Existing EHR Systems are not diagnosis tools and do not improve patient outcomes.


Data Storage Systems

Primarily serve as repositories for patient data without providing advanced analysis or actionable insights.

Less Interoperability

Struggle with seamless data exchange between different healthcare systems, impeding coordinated care.

Cumbersome Workflows

Often complicate the clinical workflow with time-consuming data entry and navigation, leading to reduced efficiency.

No Outcome Measurement

Do not effectively track and measure patient outcomes, making it difficult to assess the impact of care interventions.

Transactional Systems

Focus on recording transactions and encounters rather than enhancing the quality of care or patient outcomes.

Delayed Communication

Cause delays in information sharing among healthcare providers, which can hinder timely and effective patient care.


Genome View

These systems are not equipped to integrate and analyze genetic information, which is crucial for personalized medicine.

Pathology View

There is no integrated view of pathology results, making it difficult to correlate laboratory findings with clinical data.


Traditional EHR systems lack a focus on the individual needs and experiences of patients, resulting in less personalized care.

Hormone View

EHRs do not track hormone levels or related health issues, which are essential for managing many conditions.

Lifestyle View

EHR systems do not capture lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, and sleep, which are critical for understanding patient health.

Patient View

EHRs do not provide a comprehensive, holistic view of a patient's health history and current status, making it harder for healthcare providers to get a complete picture.

OMICS Framework

They fail to incorporate multi-omics data (genomics, proteomics, metabolomics), limiting advanced diagnostic and treatment options.

CDM View (Chronic Disease Management)

They lack specialized tools and views for managing chronic diseases, which require continuous and comprehensive monitoring.

Clinicians need a single point of access to all patient data that intelligently assists them in reaching a quick diagnosis and determining the best course of action to maximize the likelihood of a favorable outcome for the patient.

EHR Companies

Existing data can be modelled and integrated into IA Viewer. Digital doctor will assist physicians to make the right treatment decisions, and Digital nurse can support in providing continuous care to patients.

Intelligent Assist is built for

Hospitals/ Clinics

Intelligent Assist enhances operational efficiency and patient care in hospitals and clinics. It integrates seamlessly with existing systems, providing tools for better decision-making, patient monitoring, and streamlined workflows.

Well-being Centers

The system supports personalized health plans, monitors patient progress, and ensures a high standard of well-being and preventive care. By leveraging intelligent tools, it enhances the overall well-being of individuals through continuous support and tailored health strategies.


A realtime assistant for clinicians, Digital Doctor is a great listener, reader, detector, evaluator, modeler, translator, writer and much more...


Continues care through digital nurse. Other outcome measure tools can be used to record your data.

Intelligent Assist Viewer.


A Technology focused AI health care delivery platform.

EMR (Electronic Medical Record) System transformed as a Digital Twin.


View your past, present and future health status with a single scroll or touch. Timeline view provides Hormone, Chronic Diseases and Pathology Views.


Everyone can reduce their biological age, improve their lifestyle and capability matrix through IA Science and continuous care.





Digital Nurse will be an integral part of a human’s life, providing timely care, emotional support and will assist in disease prevention.

Early Intervention

IA Science and other features can identify the early signs and symptoms of degradation in a person’s physical and mental health condition, and can prevent it from progressing into a diagnosable illness.

Early Detection

The EHR integrates care assistance platforms that can provide early warning of diseases that people may or may not have been aware of. Some diseases may have no symptoms indicative of the disease at an early stage, and the IA Science can recommend appropriate screening for them based on their health data history to prevent disease progression.


The IA Science can predict the occurrence of specific diseases by analyzing people's health data history and recommend personalized treatment plans based on their individual characteristics.


IA science can transform clinical practice by combining Biological data (such as those related to genes, proteins, and biological molecules) and EMR(Electronic medical records) data to create personalized care plans through gene sequencing, personalized medicine, and personal health management.



Treatment Automation

Our Virtual Digital Care system, which includes Dr.Robo and Digital Nurse, can provide 24x7 service availability through clinical data extraction, radiological image interpretation, understanding of disease progression & treatment outcomes, and chronic disease management systems. Physicians can monitor patients’ prescriptions with the assistance of Dr.Robo, while Patients can get automated services such as medication reminders, consultation appointment reminders, and personalized care recommendations through Digital Nurse.


IA enables visualization of health history, diagnostic notes, as well as active and inactive diseases on digital patient.






Patient’s Medical HIstory

IA Science uses a holistic approach to engage with patients to record their health data. Through a unique AI enabled data extraction mode, it can accurately provide physicians with all the information they need about a patient. IA enables humans to use a digital technology based on continuous engagement model, to manage their health status, and visualize their body in multiple layers, including skin, muscles, internal organs, and genome. This helps them to stay away from diseases and to follow a healthy lifestyle.

Apart from the IA Viewer,
Intelligent Assist Provides -
A Digital Doctor, A Digital Nurse, & A Digital Patient.


Digital Doctor

A realtime assistant for clinicians, Digital Doctor is a great listener, reader, detector, evaluator, modeler, translator, writer and much more...


Digital Patient

Interactive 3D model of a patient with IA viewer showcases predication layer, organ layer, muscular layer, Genome layer

Digital Nurse

Patient carer – Supports patient care 24/7 and work with Digital doctor (IA Platform) meant for communication and continues care.

Digital Nurse


is Your - Life Style Tool for Life Time.
Your Health Wallet and Care Taker.

Does Prevention, Early intervention and Continuous Care

Patients need a frictionless interaction with health-care facilities that quickly diagnoses the root cause of their conditions and guides them through a plan to manage or even cure their ailments.



IA is a human centric electronic health record system that focuses on the following with IA body science for patients.

PHR System (Personal Health Record)

AI-Enabled Screening Tools

Prevention and Early Intervention

AI-Enabled Medication Management

Personalized Care & Treatment Plans

24x7 Digital Nurse Care Assistance

Healthcare Provider Integration

Care Records & Medical Records

Health Record Storage

AI-Enabled Online Appointments

Health Record Tracking

Find Your Doctor Globally

Chronic Disease Management System

Digital Data Management

Alerts & Messages

Score Cards

Health Risk Assessment

Reception (OPD)

Pre-visit/Post-visit Questionnaire

Nurse Station

Our Partners

A smart AI enabled EHR system that support the efficient capture of patient information and store it in a systematic internal model that is universally accessible.


Another milestone for Intelligent Assist: selected for the cohort of excellent healthcare startups.

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Intelligent Assist - Innovation Alley Exhibitor @ Cambridge Tech week 2024.

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Awarded eSethu Project and signed contract with eHealth System Health Care Ltd, India.

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E& signed NDA to form use cases to their customers.

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Cardiff University partnered for Digital Twin enhancement through DSA project grant.  

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Birmingham University partners for CKD development though WMHTIA Grant.  

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ANU University become an industry partner.

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West midland awarded Global Growth Programme and incubated in Bruntwood SciTech Park.

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“Intelligent Assist involved me from project inception. This was refreshing, often clinicians are involved only as a token afterthought. Intelligent Assist EHR with AI powered Digital Nurse stands to help physicians with workflow efficiencies and mundane task automation. Next generation EHRs such as Intelligent Assist stand to enhance rather than encumber the doctor patient relationship – the core of good healthcare.”

Prof. Ajeet B Singh, MD PhD
Australian Psychiatrist.

“Intelligent Assist Technology and its architecture neutrality helps all EHR companies to increase the efficiency of patient data modeling on patient viewer.”

Prof. Kumudu Munasinghe, PhD
Head of School – IT and Systems,University of Canberra.

"The value proposition that IA's science and technology brings is sure to benefit other healthcare companies. The journey ahead is sure to be awesome, as IA grows with its existing clientele and new customer acquisition."

Mr Srivasthava
Managing Director, Gemini International.

Patients need a frictionless interaction with health-care facilities that quickly diagnoses the root cause of their conditions and guides them through a plan to manage or even cure their ailments.

Request a demo to learn how Intelligent Assist can integrate with your EHR workflow.

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